A downloadable game for Windows

Simple horror-based platformer-shooter inspired by the gothic style of Van Helsing (hence the incredibly innovative name)

WASD, space, and left mouse click for shooting, of course
Zombies kill you after five hits, but be careful - the ghost is extra spooOOOooky and kills you in one!!!

This functions more as a proof of concept, and we would have loved to add more features such as a secondary lantern-throwing attack, a flying enemy, proper death screens (with jumpscare animations), better atmosphere such as through lightning strikes that light up the level, and better level design if we had more time

Developers (group 1):
Nicolas Katsis (2210634) - Artist
Devie Lister (2211395) - Coder (lighting, particles, and audio)
Joe McDonnell (2191493) - Coder (gameplay, enemies, game logic, putting everything together)


Van Helsing Project.zip 121 MB

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